The prestigious organization operating under the name of European Federation of the Parquet Industry or FEP is one of the most important bodies in our industry, having a real impact on the manufacturers and production of wood flooring. The best flooring manufacturers in Europe are its members. From now on Jawor-Parkiet has officially become one of them.
As a member of FEP, we will be kept up to date on all innovations relevant to our business and have the opportunity to network with manufacturers across Europe. FEP membership is also a confirmation that the floors we offer are of the highest quality and comply with European standards.
FEP - the European Federation of the Parquet Industry is an association of leading parquet flooring manufacturers and their suppliers. It is the main trade organization representing and defending the interests of the European flooring industry before the European authorities. FEP is also dedicated to promoting international activities focusing on the flooring industry, as well as promoting personal contact and communication among members.
The FEP's main goal is to promote natural wood and the floors made of it.
Other typical examples of FEP activities include:
- collecting market data and statistics,
- tracking relevant European legislation and standardization,
- publishing a newsletter,
- organizing annual congresses.
For more information about the federation, visit the FEP website at
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Wooden Flooring Manufacturer
Grunwaldzka 87
13-300 Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
tel. +48 56 474 80 85
VAT: PL8771485608
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